How to install your booth

Installing your own spray booth might be daunting, but it’s actually a relatively easy process that can be done with just basic tools and mechanical knowledge.

Installation is separated in to nine stages;

1) Preparing the basement – laying out the basement steelwork, bolting together and squaring off – this should take around 8 hours.
2) Wall panels – standing up the wall panels and pedestrian door – this should take around 3 hours
3) Roof beams – assembling the roof trusses and beams – this should take around 4 hours
4) Roof – install the roof panels and fix in to place – this should take around 2 hours
5) Main doors – assemble the hinges and hang the doors – this should take around 3 hours
6) Fan cabinet – install and seal the fan cabinet – this should take around 2 hours
7) Accessories – door handles, sealing, etc. – this should take around 2 hours
8) Lighting and electrical connections – for the electric powered booth, this should take around 8 hours, gas and diesel a little less
9) Final commissioning – installing the filters, testing, door seals – this should take around 2 hours

Total installation time approximately 34 hours, based on:

Day 1 – Basement and prepare for wall panels
Day 2 – Install wall panels, roof beams and roof
Day 3 – Main doors, fan cabinet and accessories
Day 4 – Electrics and gas/diesel connections where required
Day 5 – Final commissioning

The following videos show how to assemble and install each part of the booth.

Stage 1 – Basement installation video

Stage 2 – Wall panel installation

Stage 3 – Roof beams installation

Stage 4 – Roof installation

Stage 5 – Door assembly and installation

Stage 6 – Fan cabinet installation

Stage 7 – Accessories and small parts installation

Stage 8 – Lighting, electrics and heat exchanger installation

Stage 9 – Final commissioning

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